Those Natural Things - cairn

About That Sober Curious Movement…

Why do I drink alcohol?

The sober curious movement begs this question of us. 

This idea of being sober curious was coined by Ruby Warrington (check out her book: Sober Curious: The blissful sleep, greater focus, limitless presence, and deep connection awaiting us all on the other side of alcohol). It’s about being genuinely interested enough in our behaviors (and in this case, our alcohol drinking behavior) that we ask ourselves, ‘why do I do this?’

Let’s get inquisitive with why we joke about booze, guzzle stuff that makes us sick & mindlessly sip. 

Why We Drink

We live in a world where alcohol is a rite of passage. We turn 21 and are expected to go out to the bars while friends purchase drink after drink on our behalf.  It is something that we just ‘do’. Tailgating without a beer is like a week without a weekend. The idea of ‘grabbing a drink’ is just as common as getting groceries & summertime parties pair nicely with a chilled drink in hand. Additionally, there’s wine waiting for us at the hair salon, yoga classes with beer, & it’s 5 o’clock somewhere songs blaring on the radio encouraging us to start drinking early if not now. There are a multitude of ways that ‘the drink’ has slipped effortlessly into our day-to-day and we have mostly just accepted it. It’s what we do, right? But what happens when we question our ‘why’?

What is Sober Curious?

Certainly, being sober curious makes it intriguing to explore our why. Despite asking ‘why,’ this movement is not about shaming, or asking anyone to do something they aren’t ready for (*read: quit drinking full stop). It does, however, encourage us to consider what we are consuming and how it impacts our minds and our bodies. Sober curiosity wants us to ask ourselves if drinking alcohol enriches our lives or generally creates barriers to what we truly want. Additionally, bringing in the curious encourages us to get creative about ways to connect to self and others without the use of alcohol.

Questions to get you sober curious:

  1. What is my ‘why’:  Why do I drink alcohol? 
  2. What am I putting into my body when I drink? What are the ingredients?  
  3. What is the history of the alcohol industry, including marketing to women?
  4. Why is it expected of me to drink?
  5. When did this expectation begin? 
  6. What would my body tell me about how she feels about alcohol?
  7. What would it be like to drink less? How would I feel? 
  8. How would I feel if I didn’t drink at all?
  9. How do I treat my body when I drink?
  10. How do I treat other bodies when I drink?
  11. What happens to my mood when I drink? Am I authentic?

Take some time to really get curious. Notice how your body feels as you ask yourself these questions. Take it a step further: collage you in your life without alcohol. What do you do? Who do you spend time with? Where do you live? How do you look? How do you feel? 

Being sober curious is one thing. If you know or think that you have or may have a problem with alcohol and need support, reach out to me for resources. 

If you feel more than curious and are ready to stop drinking, check out Holly Whitaker’s book Quit Like a Woman. 

Let’s go.