Those Creative Things: Curating An Inspired You

As I moved through last week, I noticed a strong urge for creative endeavors. Reasons for this could have been the move to the new Those Natural Things office location that sparked my inspiration. Perhaps it was the blue moon. Maybe, it was that Beyonce show I found myself utterly entranced in as she soared above my head, through a glitter cloud in a sparkly dress. (What??!) Whatever it was, the muse crept in and held me close. 

I love these times. To be totally taken by ideas. To be curious, intrigued, and inspired all at once. It feels good! I feel alive! 

That being said, it’s not always this way. In fact, my Creative Self gets pretty dormant to the point of second-guessing. A lot. You see, to be creative, according to Julia Cameron author of The Artist’s Way, is to be directly connected to something divine within us. So, in short, the Creative Self is an authentic, aligned us. So when it’s somehow not there, we just feel…meh. Vanilla, no sprinkles. No glitter cloud. At all. 

When we open to our true nature, we are vivacious. Filled to the brim with vibrance and passion, we have energy to do the things that make us feel incredible. And yet, while so potent, this liveliness can be rudely interrupted by the daily grind. As a result, we neglect to connect with our Creative Self and our life becomes different than what we’d always hoped it would be.

Like any relationship, in order to nurture this True You, we’ve got to work on it. 

Cultivate Your Creative Self

One way to invoke the muse is to pick up Ms. Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. In it, you’ll find 12 weeks worth of journal prompts & activities to rekindle that spark that is your Muse. Here are two activities from the book to give you a jump-start!

  1. Morning pages. Here, you write whatever is in your mind for 3 whole pages each morning. That’s it! Dumping out what’s in your mind, Cameron says, will clear the way for the creative juices to flow, aka, connect you to your inner Divine. 
  2. Artist date. This is a date with you and you to do something that you’ve been interested in exploring more. The artist date invites allure that fuels inspiration that gets you creating.

Wanna bit more? Reach out to work with me and we’ll activate that connection to your Creative Self together. I offer inspiration guidance to kick-start the Creative in you!

Sending all the glitter your way,
